Since the start of October 2023, there have been weekly protests around the world calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the relentless slaughter of Palestinians and a halt on the export of weapons used against civilians by the Israeli government.
In England and Wales, these protests have faced increasingly severe police restrictions, have been vilified as “hate marches” and there have been calls for the outright banning of demonstrations. Hundreds have been arrested and in some instances, protesters have been accused of antisemitism and “glorifying terrorism”. Some campaigners have suddenly found themselves referred to the government’s Prevent counter-radicalisation programme, while others have had police officers following them after protests or turning up without warning at their homes.
Despite what has often felt like a deliberately toxic campaign by the media and politicians to close down civil space for Palestine solidarity, however, the number of protests has continued to grow.
On 30 May our partners at the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) are launching “In Our Millions”, a comprehensive report written by Professor Gargi Bhattacharyya. This brings together stories, interviews and statistics, with context and analysis, on the ways that British police tactics have been used to disrupt and deter Palestinian solidarity protests and restrict rights to freedom of assembly – even as the extraordinary number of dead and injured in Gaza has led to accusations that Israel is engaged in war crimes and genocide.
This report has been funded by Lankelly Chase in partnership with the Article 11 Trust.
Netpol is livestreaming the launch event in London from 18.30-20.00 on 30 May and free tickets are available on registration at